CAN Software

KANtrak Generic Engine Monitor


The latest version of the Generic Engine Monitor (GEM) software displays transmitted J1939 and J1587 engine and transmission data, active and stored alarms where supported, and is a...

KAntrak Software Development Kit


As a high technology forward thinking company, Kongsberg Automotive not only offers well-engineered and competitively priced graphical displays, but also offers easy access to a very powerful Software...

KAntrak Starter Kits


The KAntrak™ 2700/2710 has established a new standard for intelligent, multi-function displays. This ideal man-machine interface is easily configured with user-friendly software to measure, display, store, process and...

KAntrak™ GEM Software

KAntrack gem software

KANtrak Engine Monitoring GEM4 (Tie...


Beginning with diesel engines manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, the engines are required to meet lowered NOx standards. All of the heavy duty engine (Class...